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Unidos is an educational center located in the Villa Española neighborhood, which promotes the integral development of children and teenagers with low socio-economic status and high social vulnerability.

It works in parallel to formal education, providing personalized support and seeking to attack the cycle of poverty that affects families in the area.

We promote the integral development of children and teenagers.


We are an educational community convinced of the potential of each child and teenager, which stimulates their integral development through affection, trust and the promotion of values; involving families and seeking to contribute to the social transformation of the Villa Española neighborhood.


José Pedro Sánchez

Presidente de la Asociación Civil


Justin Graside

Secretario de la Asociación Civil

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Francisco García

Tesorero de la Asociación Civil


Federico Caresani

Asesor Legal de la Asociación Civil


Veronica Olivella

Comisión Fiscal de la Asociación Civil


Ines Perazzo

Asesora de la Asociación Civil

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Florence Lessa

Social worker - Children's Club

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Martina Rainusso

Social worker - Children's Club


Florence Lessa

Social worker - Children's Club

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Gina Duque

Psychopedagogue - Children's Club

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Aldana tasende

Psychologist - Children's Club

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Martina Rainusso

Social worker - Children's Club

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Martina Rainusso

Club de Niños


Aldana tasende

Psychologist - Children's Club

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Florence Lessa

Social worker - Children's Club


Magali Fernández

Centro juvenil

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Martina Rainusso

Social worker - Children's Club

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Johana irigaray

Educator - Children's Club

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Florence Lessa

Social worker - Children's Club


Aldana tasende

Psychologist - Children's Club

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Jessica Méndez

Tallerista de Plástica
Club de niños

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Aldana tasende

Psychologist - Children's Club

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Alejandro Monteiro

Tallerista de Barbería/Peluquería
Centro Juvenil

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Florence Lessa

Social worker - Children's Club


Rodrigo Buriano

Tallerista Percusión
Centro Juvenil

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Martina Rainusso

Social worker - Children's Club

Beatriz Centurión

Auxiliar de servicio

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Catalina Feit

Psicóloga Clínica

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Florence Lessa

Social worker - Children's Club

Martina Rainusso

Social worker - Children's Club

Florence Lessa

Social worker - Children's Club

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Florence Lessa

Social worker - Children's Club

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